
a swati moment or two...

Back in very hot Delhi, I feel lethargic, lazy and loutish. I have to be lured out by various means - well only one means works really and that's decadence. So I readily agree when Swati suggests we meet for boozy long drawn out lunch at Mainland China, despite my suspicion that she has chosen Mainland because it is owned by Bengaalees. When I get there I see that Imperial Garden which once stood next door has shut down because their lease expired - now just an inscrutable Chinese sign over a bricked up entrance of a building being re-organised. I felt sort of sad looking at it. I always hate it when the old gives way to the new and all that other zen stuff... We are the first to arrive and more or less the last to go at Mainland China so it's a good thing we were paying customers. After her first capiroshka Swati felt despondent (or maybe drunk) and also like going to the loo. She returned with a shawl much to my amazement. Swati has been known to do several outlandish things

conversations in transit

It was my last day in New York and it was crazily hot - full preparation for returning to the Indian summer. Of course I had a gazillion last minute things to do, including some mailouts at the post office. So I walked to the post office in the sweltering heat, dripping sweat and period blood, stood in a long line while Americans did the nice thing and chit chatted with the postal workers instead of just getting on with it. A woman in front of me was reading the New York Times and started a sort-of-conversation with me. The kind where she's addressing the world, but I am the only one smiling politely in response. She complained about the Republicans and George Bush, quite loudly. Her tone veered dangerously between political indignation and post office line rage. Then she started complaining even more loudly about a) there being only two windows operating when a while ago there were four b) people taking too long at the windows instead of just getting on with it. ("She's

A Place for Everything

That is New York. Word...No Doubt.. as Riley Escobar would say.

Harlem Homegirls

On Mother's Day, Saadia, who I bonded with on the basis of same taste in clothes and similar shopping mania, Tulin - Maria's Turkish friend who is a famous style consultant in Istanbul and has columns with glam pics alongside and also features on Turkish Page 3s - Nur (Tulin's aristocratic aunt) and I went to Harlem for a gospel brunch in Harlem. But since the sound engineer had an accident or something, we barely got to hear any gospel! We had to be content with southern fried chicken. A little mimosa drinking made the lack of music bearable. When the sound engineer arrived he did not look like he'd been in an accident so we gave him beady looks but he kept acting busy and ignored our collective glares. So we had to be content with Tulin's fantastic eyelid and hair trick in the entertainment department. Later we walked around Harlem, and took in the sights. I must say I generally agreed with the Harlem Point of View as expressed by Puppy.(please check out legend u

Delicious Things in Toronto

Went to see my friends Krishna and Gisele in Toronto mid-May. It must be the first time in a decade or more that I went somewhere to simply meet my friends. Of late life has always taken me to a place where there were friends, but the reason for being there was always work. It must be that way for most people now - because folks kept asking what had brought me to Toronto and they'd always be a bit surprised that it was just to see friend. It's a liberating thing to just be seeing friends. And so nice to see them in their homes, to see how the colour of a wall has changed, go with them to their favourite shop or Chinese restaurant, just be part of that texture and know them more fully as them, not only in relation to yourself. And a lovely thing to know you've known each other for years - Krishna and I became friends when I used to work for Anand so that's really prehistoric times: 15 years now, and Gisele and I have been friends for over 10. Clancy, Gisele's cat was

Dancing Rose

My friends Maria and David have adopted the most sunny tempered, lovely girl called Rose. She's a feisty little thing, talking talking talking walking walking walking carrying a purse, pushing a stroller, wearing her "we're not in Kansas anymore" glittering red shoes, or her payals from the Indian masi, insisting that her brother John's turn on the TV - "it's a-over". She's figured out how to change stations on the radio and dance little lady dance. Irresistable... Meanwhile John has his own trick even when he's not wearing his Superman costume - staring at the TV without blinking even once, I am sure of it. Rose, as Supergirl is an avid apprentice of her big brother though and getting their fast.

