I'm lame like that

Yeah it's kind of sad, that I have to pretend to update my blog by changing the template - to whom am I pretending? What do you call this sort of lameness? Thanks but that was a rhetorical question...

Anyway, all the un-posted Mid day columns. Along with the resolve that one day soon a post will be only for the blog (to whom am I making these promises. sigh...)

An ode to mmmm-mithun, which has proved to be a v. popular column which shows how much people love him... and that everything is not about being a rich girl with a 2 crore clothes budget or chiknu boys with waxed chests (SRK not included)

And a complaint about said folks who have gone missing

And maybe in New York-London-Tokyo they discuss the weather, but in Bombay we kinda talk about the traffic

Ok that's a month's worth but my excuse must be that I have been working hard and traveling - last to Japan - about which something some day.

This will not happen again (she promises herself).

After all tomorrow's another Sunday.


Banno said…
The new template is cool. I usually don't like dark bgs, but the red is fab.
Space Bar said…
nice template! it reminds me of those theatres that we went to when we were kids, with velvet drapes and curtains that actually opened when the screening was about to begin. *sigh*
parotechnics said…
yes i also like it - it's got hints of 70s decadence..
Yu Yu said…
I love changing templates on blogs, websites, anything I can get my hands on. Sometimes it's necessary - makes you feel fresh again. :-) Doesn't it? Love new beginnings.

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